A closeup of Rita's Casserole from page 22 of the DIPS cookbook.

Diversity Inclusion Potluck Social in IT

As UMass Boston began its first fully remote semester in the Fall of 2020, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion searched for events to sponsor across the university. One idea that caught their eye came from Salina Allen-Sharpp, Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO. Allen-Sharpp pitched the Diversity Inclusion Potluck Social, or “DIPS,” to celebrate UMass Boston’s remarkable diversity.

October marks Global Diversity Month, and as UMassBoston boasts one of the nation’s highest rates of diversity among its student body, DIPS was scheduled and hosted on October 26th, 2020. Participation was via Zoom and attendees were encouraged to share recipes they enjoyed, though a recipe wasn’t needed to take part. All were welcome to listen and learn about the recipes that were featured and their cultural significance.

““The thing about food is that it brings people together,”

Salina Allen-Sharpp, Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO

“The thing about food is that it brings people together,” said Allen-Sharpp. “It breaks down barriers, and it’s also an opportunity for people to get to know other people.

”The idea behind DIPS was to share different cultures and traditions through food. Following the event, Allen-Sharpp createdthe DIPS Cookbook using the event’s recipes, photos, and stories.There were photos of each dish and stories written by the peoplewho shared them.

Mary Ryan shared not only her empanada recipe, but theimportance of the dish to her family. “My family lived in Santiago,Chile for a number of years before I was born while my father served in the US Navy. When they returned to South Boston, they brought with them a love of Chile, its people, culture, and food.

”The DIPS event and book was an amazing showcase of the richness present in our campus community and the importanceof diversity, equity, and inclusion.